Know us


SIMAGA is an eyewear brand based in Paris, France founded by an eyewear enthusiast who believed in the transformative power of creating meaningful life experiences while realizing the vision of life you desire. Our dynamic philosophy combines dedication, ambition and the joy of celebrating, while fostering a strong sense of community and support that drives us forward. We invite you to explore life from a new perspective, where work, pleasure and personal growth coexist in harmony.


At the house of SIMAGA , we are inspired by the relentless pursuit of dreams and goals, working tirelessly to achieve greatness while finding true fulfillment. However, we also believe that it is equally vital to embrace the joys of life, create precious memories and find time to enjoy them. Our glasses reflect this balance and duality, harmoniously blending the passion for success with the celebration of life's extraordinary moments. Through a new perspective, we encourage you to see life with a new perspective, one that captures the essence of hard work and leisure, finding harmony in the pursuit of ambition and the apprehension of pleasure .


SIMAGA is a thriving community rooted in the principles of collaboration and mutual improvement. We believe that by supporting and celebrating each other, we can achieve greatness together. Our community is a source of inspiration, support and shared experiences. Together, we embody a spirit of relentless pursuit, embracing the challenges, triumphs and joys of the journey to success. Here we foster an environment that encourages personal growth, connection and the exploration of new perspectives.


Rooted in the bustling city of Paris, SIMAGA captures the essence of a work ethic balanced with a joie de vivre, reflecting Paris' celebration of local dedication and international love. Inspired by Paris' progressive mindset, rich culture and vibrant lifestyle, our brand embodies the city's philosophy of working diligently while relishing the rewards of dedication. With SIMAGA , you carry the spirit of Paris' “work hard, play hard” mentality, embracing the city's philosophy that transcends borders and embraces the world's diversity.

What this means for you

By joining us, you will become part of the community SIMAGA rooted in Paris but connected throughout the world. From Madrid to London, from New York to Rome, our members SIMAGA are everywhere, always in touch. Whether it's for a drink in town or to start collective projects, we're here for both. So enter a world where borders disappear, cultures collide and extraordinary experiences are shared. Together, we will redefine the very essence of what it means to live life to the fullest.